This commercial involves skydiving and playing soccer at the same time. This was to promote a big soccer match. We had a professional soccer player coach my skydivers on how to look like a pro soccer player, different soccer moves etc. My rigger Albert Champagne developed soccer balls weighted with jello that was injected into the air valve with a needle. We tested the different weights in the wind tunnel at Perris Valley Parachute Center. The commercial was shot at Lake Elsinore Parachute Center in So. CA. We used these real soccer balls on some jumps, we made some jumps pretending to kick soccer balls which were later added in post. We used Skip Evan’s Twin Beech aircraft and DC-3. Director was Bob Gordon. I was the stunt coordinator and freefall cinematographer.
This commercial for SONY has a skydiver (Guy Manos) falling through the sky
<p style="text-align: justify;">This Weber barbecue commercial originally was a
Stunt skydiver Matt McCarter jumps from an airplane, performs some nice
This commercial involves skydiving and playing soccer at the same time. This